Organic Option for Reducing Insect Pressure in Almonds

Shield Almond Trees From Damaging Insects
Developed in conjunction with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Surround® is formulated to suppress insect activity and can be a valuable tool in almond IPM programs. SURROUND is an EPA-registered insecticide that, in particular, helps suppress damage caused by aphids, navel orangeworm and other insect pests such as stink bugs in almonds. In addition, SURROUND may be used to maximize the effectiveness of conventional insecticides by avoiding overuse, thus minimizing the likelihood of insect resistance. SURROUND is OMIR-listed for organic pesticide use.

SURROUND functions best when used as a preventive program, applied to the tree before the pest appears. SURROUND will reduce pest pressure and may eliminate the need for additional treatments. If pest pressure reaches an economic damage threshold, a knockdown insecticide should be used. SURROUND may be tank mixed with most crop protection products.
SURROUND will suppress beneficial insect activity. Closely monitor and employ a typical control program for scale and mite.
Application Timing: Surround = May 8, 17; June 4 Lorsban 4E = May 17
Rate: SURROUND = 50 lb/A, Lorsban 4E = 4 pt/A
* Note: SURROUND is not currently registered for control of this pest
Recommendation for Nut Crops
Volume: For 20-foot trees use 200 gallons per acre.
Large trees like walnut and pecan can require up to 300 gallons per acre.
Concentration: Use 25 to 50 pounds per 100 gallons of water.
For Tree Nuts, such as almond, beech nut, Brazil nut, butternut, chestnut, cashew, filbert, hickory nut, macadamia nut, pecan, walnut and pistachio.
Pest | Pounds / Acre | Application Instruction |
Aphids such as pecan, black, and yellow aphid, codling moth, grasshoppers, husk fly, leafhoppers, navel orangeworm, stink bug | 50-75* | Suppression only** Start at biofix or as infestation occurs. Apply every 7-14 days throughout infestation. For codling moth, apply a minimum of 2 sprays per generation. |
*50 pounds per 200 gallons per acre preferred. **If complete control is needed, consider using supplemental controls. |

Nine Ways SURROUND May Suppress Insects
- Repellency
- Impedes egglaying
- Reduces feeding
- Impedes grasping
- Restricts movement
- Camouflages the host — prevents host recognition
- Alters behavior
- Induces paralysis
- Causes mortality

Application Tips
- Avoid foliage run-off. Apply spray volume that will achieve near-drip coverage.
- Best results usually achieved at 25-50 lbs per 100 gallons.
- Surfactants may improve spreading.
- Consult the specimen label for instructions on aerial application.
- See SURROUND spray guide for more information on effective application techniques.