Protect Sugarcane Fields from Stubborn Grasses

Choose Velpar L to guard your sugarcane fields against Guinea grass, Panicum grass, Vasey grass, and Signal grass
Velpar L herbicide is a water-dispersible liquid that is mixed with water and applied as a spray, providing both contact and residual control or suppression of many annual and biennial weeds.
VELPAR L controls or suppresses approximately 60 broadleaf weeds and grasses including several that are tolerant to overused herbicides in sugarcane, with a high degree of crop safety.
When applied as recommended, VELPAR L herbicide delivers effective contact and residual control or suppression of Guinea grass, Panicum grass, Vasey grass and Signal grass, along with many other grasses and multiple broadleaf weeds.
Key Benefits of VELPAR L
- Grass Control: VELPAR L controls or suppresses approximately 60 problem grasses and weeds, including Guinea grass, Panicum grass, Vasey grass, and Signal grass.
- Long Residual Control: VELPAR L provides both contact and residual control of many grasses and broadleaf weeds.
- Crop Safety: VELPAR L provides excellent weed control with proven crop safety.
- Mode of Action: A Group 5 herbicide that contains the active ingredient hexazinone, VELPAR L provides a different mode of action than other commonly used products.
- Water-dispersible: VELPAR L herbicide is mixed with water and applied as a spray. VELPAR L makes a great tank mix partner with other broadleaf preemergent herbicides.

Application and Use
Consult the label for use restrictions and application instructions
- Apply a single treatment of VELPAR L per year using a fixed-boom sprayer and a minimum of 25 gallons per acre, following instructions in the label for soil types and instructions per state.
- Apply VELPAR L herbicide as a spot spray application for emerged weeds in sugarcane.
- Rainfall is needed to move VELPAR L into the soil and for activation. Avoid applications if heavy rainfall is anticipated, as this can produce runoff of treated soil and possible injury to non-targeted species.
- Do not plant any crop other than sugarcane following a VELPAR L application.
- Do not feed sugarcane forage to livestock.
- Exercise care when applying VELPAR L near desirable trees or shrubs as they can absorb the herbicide through roots extending into treated areas.