Add a Unique Group 12 Herbicide to Your Alfalfa Weed Control program

Solicam® DF Alfalfa Best Use Guidelines
Solicam® DF is a pre-emergence herbicide providing residual activity on the following weeds:
Grasses | Broadleaf Weeds |
Grasses | Broadleaf Weeds | Sedges |
Key Benefits
- Can be applied to seeding alfalfa that has been actively growing for three months
- A 28-day Pre-Harvest Interval (PHI) allows Solicam® to be applied between cuttings prior to weed emergence
- Group 12 herbicide with unique mode of action
- SOLICAM is a good resistance management tool
- Reliable performance in all weather conditions
Biological Activity of SOLICAM DF Herbicide
- Incorporation by a minimum of 0.5 to 1 inch of water through rainfall, irrigation or tillage is necessary to activate SOLICAM DF in soil before weeds germinate and emerge.
- Incorporate with water within 30 days of application.
- Established weeds or weeds that emerge before activation SHOULD be controlled with post-emergent herbicides that are registered on alfalfa.
- Always test in advance when post-emergence herbicides, including adjuvants or oils, are used to improve weed control.
Use Guidelines
SOLICAM DF can be applied to healthy stands of established alfalfa that have emerged and have been actively growing for three months.
Labeled use rates on alfalfa are from 1.25 to 2.5 pounds per acre.
The annual maximum rate per calendar year is 2.5 pounds per acre, which may be applied as a single application, or in split applications.- Apply lower rate on coarse soils (sand, loamy sand, sandy loam) and when low populations of easily controlled annual weeds are expected.
- Apply higher rate on medium to fine textured soils (sandy clay through clay) and when heavier weed pressure is expected.
- Applications to alfalfa can be made by ground or air equipment. Do not apply to frozen soil.
- Pre-Harvest Interval (PHI) = 28 days
- Restricted Entry Interval (REI) = 12 hours
Rotational/Replacement Restrictions
- May plant back to cotton the season following a SOLICAM DF application.
- All other crops require a 16-month interval.
- See label for additional interval restrictions for planting rotational or replacement crops following SOLICAM DF applications.
Desert Alfalfa Production Plan
The Tank Mix Partner of Choice for Tough Grass and Broadleaf Weed Control
Application and timing for a three (3) year planned rotation | |
Plant October 1st: at 3-leaf, apply imazethapyr herbicide at label rates | |
Year 1 | First cutting: about March 1st — apply 1.25 pounds per acre SOLICAM DF July 1st apply 1 to 1.25 pounds per acre SOLICAM DF |
Year 2 | First cutting: about March 1st — apply 2 to 2.5 pounds per acre SOLICAM DF |
Year 3 | Normal trifluralin herbicide, pendimethalin herbicide or S-ethyl dipropylthiocarbamate herbicide program depending on primary weed problems |
Rotate to crops, on which SOLICAM DF herbicide is not registered for pre-plant use, after 16 months. |

Use Recommendations
- Apply trifluralin herbicide or pendimethalin herbicide at first cutting.
- Follow in June or July with 1.25 pounds per acre of SOLICAM DF herbicide to control sprangletop, pigweed and nutsedge.
- Apply an additional 1.25 pounds per acre in October or November to control late emerging sprangletop and nutsedge. This will also control winter weeds such as mustards, malva, shepherd’s-purse, groundsel, sowthistle and bluegrass.
- Apply to actively-growing alfalfa, following hay removal, to ensure spray penetration to the soil surface. Do not apply to seedling alfalfa earlier than 5 months after emergence. Do not apply SOLICAM DF herbicide within 28 days of harvest. Do not apply more than 2.5 pounds per acre per calendar year.