Achieve Burndown and Residual Weed Control in Sorghum

A Proven Option for Reliable Residual and Burndown Control in Sorghum
Using preemergence herbicides such as Linex® 4L as a foundation to provide early season residual control of grasses and broadleaf weeds results in maximum yields and cleaner fields at harvest.
Unique Benefits of LINEX® 4L
LINEX 4L is a photosystem II (PSII) inhibiting herbicide that provides effective residual control of several key small-seeded broadleaf weeds. LINEX 4L acts at a different binding site from many other PSII herbicides (like atrazine), and can be incorporated into an integrated weed resistance management program in sorghum.
Application Recommendation
Make a single preemergence application of LINEX 4L tank mixed with a herbicide registered for the same use. Apply after planting but before crop emerges. Do not graze or feed plants to livestock within 3 months after directed postemergence application. For directions on the use of LINEX in a directed post-emergence application, consult the LINEX Specimen Label.
Soil Type |
1-2% Organic Matter Rate in Pints/Acre |
2-4% Organic Matter Rate in Pints/Acre |
Sandy loam |
0.625 – 1.25 | 1 – 1.5 |
Loam, silt loam, silt, sandy clay, sandy clay loam |
1.0 – 1.5 | 1 – 2 |
Plant seed at least 1 inch deep on flat or raised seedbeds only as injury to the crop may result. |
- Do not apply over the top of emerged sorghum.
- Do not apply within 75 days of harvest.
Seedling Weeds Controlled with Burndown Applications of LINEX 4L
Broadleaf Weeds | Grasses |
Weeds Controlled Preemergence
Broadleaf Weeds | Grasses | Weeds Partially Controlled (Suppressed) Preemergence |
Important: Always read the label before buying and follow label instructions when using this product. Atrazine is a restricted-use pesticide. See reverse for conditions of sale.