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Repel Insects with Surround: Protect Your Crops Naturally

Integrated Pest Management

Effective pest management is essential for maintaining healthy crops and maximizing yields. Developed in conjunction with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Surround is OMRI-listed (pesticide use only), offering an innovative solution to reduce insect damage.

Here, we will discuss how Surround works as an insecticide, the numerous ways it can affect insect pests, the benefits of incorporating it into an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program, and tips for successful application.

What is Surround?

Surround is a unique product that forms a protective film on plant surfaces using calcined kaolin particles. In addition to providing protection against sunburn and heat stress, Surround is an EPA-registered insecticide designed to reduce damage from insects. Surround’s multiple benefits make it an attractive option for growers seeking a sustainable solution for pest management.

How Does Surround Repel Insects?

Surround works in various ways to deter insects, offering a multi-faceted approach to pest management.  For those species that are affected:

  1. Repellency: The protective film created by Surround can act as a repellent, discouraging insects from landing on or feeding on treated plants.
  2. Impeding egg-laying: Some insects do not lay eggs on treated plant surfaces, greatly reducing the potential for future infestations.
  3. Reducing feeding: The presence of Surround can deter insects from feeding on treated plants, minimizing crop damage.
  4. Impeding grasping: The film can make it difficult for insects to grasp onto plant surfaces, making it harder for them to establish themselves on the plant.
  5. Restricting movement: The protective film may hinder the movement of insects, making it more difficult for them to navigate and establish themselves on the plant.
  6. Camouflaging the host: Surround can prevent host recognition by insects, reducing the likelihood of infestation.
  7. Altering behavior: The presence of the film can change insect behavior, making them less likely to feed, mate or lay eggs on treated plants.

Benefits of Integrating Surround into an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Program:

Incorporating Surround into an IPM program offers several advantages:

  1. Preventative protection: Surround provides protection from insect pests when used preventatively, reducing the need for reactive measures.
  2. Enhanced overall pest management: Combining Surround with other IPM strategies can lead to more effective and sustainable pest management outcomes.

Tips for Using Surround for Insect Control:

To optimize the insect repellency capabilities of Surround, follow these best practices:

  1. Apply preventatively: Surround should be applied before the appearance of insects to maximize its effectiveness.
  2. Achieve complete coverage: Several applications may be necessary to ensure full coverage of plant surfaces. Reapplication may be required, depending on factors such as irrigation, rain, wind and new plant growth.
  3. Follow application tips: Apply Surround to near-drip, avoiding foliage runoff. Surround can be tank-mixed with most pesticides, and using additional spreader-stickers can enhance coverage. Aerial application is also possible using standard aerial application equipment.
  4. Rotate and integrate: Utilize Surround as part of an IPM program that includes rotation of insecticides with different modes of action to prevent insecticide resistance development.

Surround offers a sustainable solution for reducing insect damages in agriculture, making it an essential tool for growers seeking a multi-faceted approach to pest management. By understanding the various ways in which Surround can deter insect pests and following best practices for application, you can enhance the effectiveness of your pest management strategies and contribute to a more sustainable future for agriculture.

Always read and follow label instructions.