Fumigate Peanuts with Sectagon® for Higher Yields

fumigate peanuts with sectagon

Sectagon®-42 is an economical and effective soil fumigant for peanut crops.

Protect your investment with SECTAGON-42.

SECTAGON-42 (metam sodium) is a tested and proven tool to increase the return on investment (ROI) of your peanut crop. SECTAGON-42 delivers the protection of a fungicide, herbicide and nematicide, all in one application.

SECTAGON-42 Benefits:

  • Significant suppression of pests (weeds, disease and nematodes) in peanuts (consult the label)
  • Proven insurance against CBR losses resulting from a wet April-May
  • Economical rates (7.5 gallons / acre minimum recommended rate) supports your ROI goals. University field study results have shown yield increases up to 30 in CBR susceptible varieties with SECTAGON-42. Consult with local experts for rates and other important information pertinent to your field.
  • Aids in improving crop growth for greater yields and better uniformity
  • Versatile and easy to apply via ground, shank, drip and sprinkler applications.
    Soil temperatures must be in the range of 60°F to 90°F at injection depth before application.

If you are looking to get a jump on weeds, disease and nematodes, SECTAGON-42 will give your peanuts that needed “investment protection.” Maximize your crop’s yield. Contact your SECTAGON-42 dealer.

fumigate peanuts with sectagon