Prep for Better Strawberries with Sectagon
Soil borne pests can build up in the soil and decrease a strawberry fields full yield potential. An easy pre-plant application of Sectagon® could suppress these annoying pests.
A Look Into The Trials:
North Carolina State University, 2017
Two test plots in two locations were used during the field trials conducted in North Carolina – Castle Hayne, NC and Clayton, NC. The research was designed to look at control of weeds and pathogens of multiple fumigants and marketable yield. Application methods included both drip and shank applications under TIF plastic film.
Drip applications of Sectagon (62 gal/a), Pic-Clor 60 (35 gal/a), and shank applied Pic-Clor 60 (35 gal/a) were compared. Sectagon showed better weed and pathogen control over Pic-Clor. In Figures 1 and 2 treatments with an asterisks, *, are those where control was significantly different between Sectagon and Pic-Clor.

Key Takeaways:
- Sectagon provided 96.1% control of Pythium spp. vs. untreated control at Castle Hayne, NC. It performed 59.2% better than drip applied Pic-Clor 60 and 91.7% better than shank-applied Pic-Clor 60 at Castle Hayne, NC
- Sectagon provided 100% control of Pythium spp. and was significantly better than Pic-Clor applied either as drip or as shank at Clayton, NC
- Sectagon provided 90.4% control of various weeds at Castle Hayne, NC. It performed 72.2% better than drip applied Pic-Clor 60 and 42.9% worse than shank-applied Pic-Clor 60 at Castle Hayne, NC
- Sectagon provided 93.4% control of various weeds vs. untreated control at Clayton, NC. It performed equally well as drip applied Pic-Clor 60 and 92% better than shank-applied Pic-Clor 60 at Clayton, NC
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